Sunday 5 April 2020

U4- Film Review


1. What is the title of the film?

Birds of prey.

2. Who is the director?

Cathy Yan.

3. Who is the screenwriter?

Christina Hodson


4. Where does the action take place?

In the city of Gotham

5. When does the action take place? (past, present, future)

In the present.

6. Which genre is the film? (horror, comedy, animated, drama, adventure, science fiction)

Is an action film.


7. Who are the main characters?

Margot Robbie

Jumee Smollett-Bell
Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Rosie perez
Ella Jay Basco
Ewan McGregor 
Chris Messina

8. Describe two characters in the film. (physical description, psychological description, age, nationality social/personal background).

Margot Robbie, is harley quinn and she is cute and hundsome, she is a little bit crazy, she is young and it's Australian.

Ewan McGregor, is the black masc, it's crazy, he is in the middle age and he is british.


Write 4 words from the film and...

9. Write a definition in English

Speak, run, help and shoot.

Speak: to say words, to use the voice, or to have a conversation with someone.

Run: to move along, faster than walking, by taking quick steps in which each foot is lifted before the next foot touches the ground.

Help: to make it possible or eaisier for someone to do something, by doing part of the work yourself or by providing advice, money, support, etc.

Shoot: to fire bullet or an arrow, or to hitinjure, or kill a person or animal by firing bullet or arrow at him, her, or it.

10. Translate them into Catalan

Speak: Parlar
Run: Correr
Help: Ajudar
Shoot: Disparar

11. Write one sentence with each word

I'm speaking to you.

I'm go to run, do you go with me?

Please help!!!

Don't move or i will shoot!

Monday 2 March 2020

U-3 A tour of our school

                                   THE GRAND TOUR

Resultado de imagen de institudalmataHello, this is my beautiful school.
I love it!

On the left, we can see the corridor and that is my class. This is 1st os ESO-A classroom.

Come on this is the ball, I love the ICT suite because I love computer. This is the staf room, if you go up the stairs you can see other classes the Art class. On the second floor, there is the lab.

I like the P E classroom because, we can see the playground, it's very big and there is the orchard, there are the hens. It is my tour.

Sunday 8 December 2019

Unit 2 Writing a personal profile

Hello! My name is Nil, i live in Balaguer and I'm from Lleida. My birthday is 22 of June, I am 12 years old. I want an e-friend because I like having a lot of friends and I like playing video games. And I wan't an e-friend because I want to learn Enlish.

I get up early every day. I go to catch my bus. After school I go home. I go for a walk with my dog, on Monday. I go to the swimming pool, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I go to language school,  the gym and to taekwondo. When I finish I do my homework and I go to bed.

I love English, I go to the best language school, my hobbies are playing PS4, going to the swimming pool and I like do free running and go to a jumping park and do backflips.

Sunday 17 November 2019

U1_Writing a description of my room.

I'm Linex_09 and here is my virtual room. It's very big and comfortable. The walls are the same colour, and there are fantastic views from every window. It's amayzing.

In my room, there is a big bed and a sofa. There is a big wardrobe. I've got a lot of games. I've got a bigTV and a PS4. I haven't got a lot of books, but I have a PC.

My favourite think in my room is the PS4, I love videogames. I don't have a fish or a bird, but I have a dog and a cat. I love them.